Our Service


Financial hardship can come to a person life in many aspects. This can come in the form of paying your loan repayments, paying your taxes, penalties, interests and various other hidden payments which you may not have accounted for.

The two major reasons for not being able to pay the debt could be either you could not afford to repay the loan when it was originally obtained and secondly, you could not deal with unforeseen circumstances which came along the way which you were not prepared for.

Global Tax Accountants are here to help you overcome with these hardships and provide you with assistance to come up with payment plans to help pay overdue debts to IRD. We will also help in assisting you to apply for relief from debt provided you give us a detail of your financial position. We will need in-depth details of your situation when applying for relief from debt so that we can successfully ensure that we can help you come out of the financial hardship. Our expert team will assist you in ensuring that unnecessary penalties and interest are avoided and your money is saved in the times of financial difficulty. We will also assist you in setting up an automatic payment from
your nominated bank account to IRD.

The payment can be for a range of taxes including Tax, GST, and FBT. Also, if you will be needed to make additional payments on any other requirements, we are here for you.